Project Description
Prefabrication and supply of insulating materials
Engineering, thermal calculations, prefabrication and supply of insulating materials for high temperature and cryogenic applications.
Wide-ranging consulting service to identify the best type of insulating material for the characteristics of plant to be insulated with related calculation of thickness and necessary quantities.
- Polyurethane foam
- Expanded phenolic resin
- Cellular glass (Foamglas)
- Calcium silicate
- PVC foam
- EPS, XPS – polystyrene
- Rock wool

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam

Calcium silicate

Calcium silicate

Calcium silicate

Cellular glass (Foamglas)

Cellular glass (Foamglas)

Cellular glass (Foamglas)

Special pieces in cellular glass

Phenolic foam

Phenolic foam

Phenolic foam

Cryogenic supports

Cryogenic supports